Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunshine and then rain

We had a gorgeous weekend with temps soaring into the high 80s and higher. Monday was b-e-a-u-t-iful and Tuesday was beyond perfect. Welcome summer!!!!! On Monday, it was actually warm enough that Alexis took a sprint through the sprinklers (Although, she had no idea what she was doing. It was comical.) when James was watering the lawn. I had no fear that she would be too cold and get sick. It was like 90 degrees out! Alexis and I spent Tuesday evening playing in the sandbox while James lounged in the hammock and watched us play. We probably looked like something from a 1950's family except with better looking clothes and more tattoos and piercings. And the funniest thing was when I picked up a caterpillar and Alexis wanted to hold it. So I put it on her hand and she LOVED it! I totally thought she would freak out.

And here it is - Wednesday. Cold as hell and randomly raining. Shit. We are back to late winter-early spring.

So I guess we will be playing inside tonight. Which is fine. I'm kind of tired of saying "turn around", "that's not your yard", "no, Baxter [the neighbors dog] isn't outside", "don't put that stick in your mouth"... you catch my drift. And playing inside gives me more time to read Breaking Dawn!

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