Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rain, rain go away

And don't come back for a long time.

I think it's been raining/snowing/sleeting/freezing rain for the past week. I don't remember the last time I saw the sun shine. It's quite depressing.

On another note, we've switched pediatricians after a horrible visit on Friday. The doctor made me feel like a horrible parent. He told me that Alexis was "aggressive" and "assertive". And she ended up with the Chicken Pox vaccine that I wanted to delay until she was 2. I'm pretty upset with myself over that stupid vaccine.

Husband is still out of town and will return on Sunday. It's been nice having quality time with my daughter and myself. It's nice to be able to eat whatever I want for dinner with no complaints and no extra dishes. It's nice not having socks sit on the living floor for 3 days until I get tired of looking at them and pick them up. Reading without someone asking me a million questions or interrupting me. Good little break. I'll be glad when he gets back though because the trash needs to be taken to the dump.

I feel like I'm forgetting to do something.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy birthday, Nana!

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired of this weather too. I'm ready to get out and get the kids out!
    My g-ma's b-day is today too!!
